China’s participation in the Global Peace Summit will be an important sign, – political scientist

Flag of China. Photo:

China’s attendance at the Global Peace Summit in Switzerland in June will be a sign that China is taking into account all diplomatic and political messages from Western countries. Political scientist Maksym Dzhigun stated this on the FREEDOM TV channel.

“Of course, Ukrainian diplomacy would very much like China to be represented there in principle, because this is an important signal for other countries that are oriented towards China: for countries of the global South, for Asian countries that look up to Xi Jinping and who want go with one voice with him. Therefore, even from a symbolic point of view, this participation will be very important,” he said.

At the same time, the political scientist noted that China’s participation in the summit will not mean that its line of behavior will correspond to all other countries, that is, China can remain unconvinced, not sign the final documents and simply remain a witness to this event.

“But I think that China’s participation in this world summit will mean that, after all, these diplomatic, political messages that China is now receiving from Western countries, and I am sure, not only from the United States, but also from Germany, from Olaf Scholz, and from French President Macron, are still taken into account by the Chinese side. And this is a very important factor. If we see China at this event, it will mean that they are open to possible negotiations, they are open to Western influence on their position, and they can be worked with. This is not a wall, it can be broken through,” Dzhigun is convinced.

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Earlier, political scientist Volodymyr Fesenko noted that the situation with China’s participation in the Global Peace Summit is the most difficult, in particular due to the close relations between Beijing and Moscow.