China has completely supplanted Russia, it no longer exists as a subject – Podolyak

Russia and China. Illustration:

Negotiations between Joe Biden and Xi Jinping are a transition to a policy of détente and a transition to the beginning of the notorious new world order. China has completely supplanted the Russian Federation; it no longer exists as a subject. The PRC has shown that Russia is no longer at the negotiating table. This is a very important psychological factor for many countries. Mykhailo Podolyak, adviser to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, said this in an interview with the FREEDOM TV channel.

“On the sidelines of the APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation – ed.) summit, I saw just a transition to a policy of détente, to the beginning of the formation of a new world order, where specific countries will determine the rules,” Podolyak noted.

He believes that China has completely supplanted the Russian Federation.

“Russia as a subject no longer exists. She, of course, with her war today distracts attention from many other possible discussions. However, China has made it clear that Russia is no longer at the table. This is a very important psychological factor for many countries, because this meeting was watched not only by those who support Ukraine, who support the United States, but also by countries that belong to the so-called global South,” emphasized the adviser to the head of the OPU.

They saw a change in disposition, Podolyak believes.

“There is a leader of the democratic world – this is the United States. But now there is a new leader who will sit at the table with the United States and determine the rules that determine the fate of these countries – this is China, not Russia,” he concluded.

Podolyak believes that from the point of view of symbolism, the meeting between Biden and Xi is certainly breakthrough. After all, it was clearly shown that China and the United States are interested in dialogue, and not in military formats for solving global problems.

“Mr. Xi has clearly said that we will not fight in the near future. And China clearly shows that Russia is no match for it, this is also very important,” the speaker said.

These accents also speak of the importance of supporting Ukraine, Podolyak added.

“They talk about the importance of maintaining dialogue, the importance of the ban on violence as an instrument of foreign policy, and the importance of the Russian Federation losing. Because if Russia does not lose, then it remains in the same form, it will always invest money in global instability. And the meeting between Biden and Xi clearly shows that global instability is of no interest to anyone,” emphasized Mykhailo Podolyak.

Read also: Russia is not ready for a long war of attrition, – Podolyak