China expands its nuclear potential: US approves China containment plan

Flags of the USA and China. Photo:

According to world media, in the next 10 years, Beijing’s nuclear arsenal may become equal to those of the United States and Russia. In this regard, Washington has taken additional measures to contain China. In March, US President Joe Biden approved a classified nuclear plan, the focus of which was precisely the containment of China, FREEDOM reports.

China is increasing its nuclear potential. This has been discussed for the last year. And now this information has been confirmed.

The United States has adopted a new nuclear plan, the focus of which is the containment of China. In fact, Joe Biden signed a new nuclear doctrine. This is a reaction to a possible nuclear threat from Beijing. And since the document has been signed, this threat is quite serious.

“China continues to build up its nuclear potential in its entirety – these are ballistic missiles, and the carriers of these missiles themselves, that is, aircraft, navy, submarines, and the charges themselves. Americans are concerned perhaps not so much about China increasing its nuclear weapons, but about the fact that China has the resources to continue doing so in the foreseeable future and improve,” commented diplomat and former Ukrainian representative to the EU Andriy Veselovsky.

But Chinese nanotechnology is forcing the White House to play it safe. The updated US strategy envisages possible “coordinated” actions by China, Russia and even the DPRK, which could become a challenge for America.

In the past, the alliance of these countries seemed insignificant. But now North Korea is increasing its potential and is trying to set up intercontinental ballistic missiles to reach the US. Iran is also pressing, with its nuclear program, according to preliminary data, continuing, and the first ammunition could be manufactured by the end of the year.

“The Iranian nuclear program could have been stopped either by political means, through negotiations, or Israel is constantly threatening to launch a nuclear strike on them. Or not a nuclear strike, but another strike on these Iranian nuclear devices,” Veselovsky noted.

In this situation, of course, we should not forget about Russia. A month ago, the Kremlin was already thinking about how to lower the threshold for the use of nuclear weapons. But the United States does not believe in a nuclear alliance between Russia and China. Putin has his own weapons. Xi Jinping has his own.

“These two countries have different interests and are currently cooperating situationally,” Veselovsky noted.

That is why America is more wary of China. Two options for containment have been devised. The first is diplomatic. To persuade Beijing not to increase its nuclear arsenal. But the second is to increase its defense.

“The second option is probably the most realistic at this stage, it is to look for ways to repel attacks from China. Well, the third, worst option is, of course, to increase our own weapons or to create weapons that have already destroyed Chinese resources in China’s place,” Veselovsky commented.

But in the event of such a turn of events, anything can be expected from China. For now, Beijing has responded that the size of China’s nuclear arsenal is by no means on the same level as that of the United States.

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