Beijing poses a threat to NATO, but doors for dialogue are still open, – expert

Flag of China. Photo:

The confrontation between the United States and China goes beyond the economic, and the Middle Kingdom is turning from a competitor into a real threat. This opinion was expressed on the FREEDOM TV channel by Vitaly Kulik, director of the Center for Research on Civil Society Problems.

According to him, China and the Russian Federation create a danger, form spheres of influence on countries that are in the immediate zone of national interests of the countries of the collective West.

“The areas on which the West depends, including energy regions, which are sources of oil, provoke conflicts and wars there, they try to expand their economic presence, but only their military presence in regions such as Africa and Latin America. And this is not just opposition, it goes a little further than competition. That is, China sees the future world order as a component system – on the one hand, the West, on the other hand, China, around which other countries are formed, which does not support the Western method of development, Western orientation. And this confrontation takes on forms, including those that go beyond economic competition. This is already an attempt, in some way and by force, to resolve controversial issues,” Kulik said.

In this regard, he believes that China is indeed moving from the category of a competitor or opponent to the category of those who can threaten. According to Kulik, since the zone of interests of the collective West, primarily NATO countries, and China are in contact, there can be contact at any moment that goes beyond diplomacy, economics and politics.

“That’s why NATO’s assessment of China is that China is now creating a number of challenges and even threats that are associated with possible military contact or the emergence of zones where possible escalation reaches a new level, and these are armed conflicts, new fronts. And China is a direct participant in this war. Hence the very tough position of the West, hence the harsh assessment,” Kulik said.

At the same time, he noted that China has not been named an enemy, and the door to dialogue has not yet been completely closed.

“If in relation to North Korea, Iran, even Russia, a clear category is used – “a terrorist country,” “a country that finances terrorism,” or “a country under a powerful sanctions regime,” then … China is still considered as the country with whom you can have a conversation. The “axis of evil” has not been completely built, the final integration of China with Russia and Iran has not occurred, which means we can still talk with China,” said the director of the Center for Research on Civil Society Problems.

According to him, the main argument for China is the economy, because Beijing needs Western markets.

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It was previously reported that Russia and China are getting closer to deploying weapons in space. The US military and intelligence services warn about this. Washington notes that this could have far-reaching consequences for America’s ability to defend itself.