Austrian volunteer dies in battle for Ukraine

Illustrative image. Photo:

A 30-year-old volunteer from Austria was killed in action while fighting for Ukraine.

That’s according to the Austrian newspaper Östrerreich (oe24), which received confirmation from the Austrian Foreign Ministry, Ukrinform reports.

“An Austrian citizen died in Ukraine. This was confirmed by the Austrian Foreign Ministry in response to an enquiry from oe24,” the report says.

As the publication notes, the death of the volunteer from Austria was first reported by his Ukrainian girlfriend in a post on Instagram. She posted a photo of Richard S., who, according to his date of birth, was supposed to celebrate his 30th birthday just two weeks ago.

“He loved his Homeland (meaning, obviously, Austria – ed.) and his family, but since the start of the big war he has supported my family (Ukraine – ed.),” wrote the friend of the fallen soldier.

It is noted that the Austrian volunteer died in a Russian drone attack.

As Östrerreich reports, the man, apparently, was a member of the far-right “Identitarian Movement” in Austria and participated in several of its rallies, in particular in Graz.

As Ukrinform reported, in January, a volunteer from Latvia, Edgar Platonov, died in the battles for Ukraine.