Activists Deliver Parcels to Ukrainian Political Prisoners at Lefortovo Remand Prison

Photos Facebook/Roman Tsymbaliuk


According to a Facebook post by UNIAN Moscow correspondent Roman Tsymbaliuk, on September 2, 2019, he and Victoria Ivleva delivered parcels for Ukrainian political prisoners being held in Lefortovo remand prison in Moscow, Russia.

According to the journalist’s report, among those to whom the activists tried to deliver parcels to are Roman Sushchenko, Volodymyr Balukh, Oleksandr Kolchenko, Mykola Karpiuk, Stanislav Klykh, Pavlo Hryb, Yevhenii Panov, Oleksii Syzonovych, and Oleh Sentsov.



However, the staff of the remand prison accepted parcels only for eight of them. As the journalist notes, “it remains unclear where Sentsov is.”

The products were also delivered to the 24 sailors from the Ukrainian ships Berdiansk, Nikopol and Yany Kapu who were illegally detained by Russia in November of 2018.

The Ukrainian prisoners were transferred to the Lefortovo remand prison in Moscow from different parts of Russia where they were serving their terms. The transfer of detainees has not been confirmed by official sources. However, there is still no official information on the whereabouts of Ukrainian film director Oleh Sentsov. On August 29, 2019, according to Russian Interfax, using unverified sources, Sentsov was transferred to the Butyrka detention center in Moscow.