A complex element in European politics: the consequences of a possible victory for Le Pen’s party in France were analyzed by a diplomat

Flag of France. Photo: Reuters

Stability in France is important for Europe, and the possible victory of Marine Le Pen’s National Rally party in the parliamentary elections will become a complex element in European politics. This opinion was expressed on the FREEDOM TV channel by diplomat, adviser to the director of the National Institute for Strategic Studies, Andriy Veselovsky.

He stated that the political situation in France is now difficult, and this is bad, since the stability of this country is important for the stability of Europe.

“And the fact that Marine Le Pen’s party can win with a large margin is a complex element in European politics, and the French will, in general, have to prepare for important and noticeable changes. Why? We are talking about a party that has never been in power. We are talking about a party that is united by slogans, not ideology. The slogan is – there are too many foreigners, they are eating us up, and they do not follow the rules of decency that the French follow, which means we need to somehow fight this. That is, this is not a question of how to improve well-being… Similar slogans apply to other areas of life with which Marine Le Pen is now coming to power,” Veselovsky said.

According to him, polls show that this party most likely will not receive an absolute majority. In this regard, she will have to seek support, compromise and cooperation with other parties.

“But in any case, I repeat, this is a big shock for France and, naturally, for Europe. Moreover, if we remember that the Social Democratic Party in Germany, which represents Chancellor Scholz and his government comrades – the Free Democrats and the Greens, showed similar poor results, then we are witnessing such a serious weakening of the European core. Well, okay, France is weaker, since there is no single strong party or party with experience in power. Germany is weaker because clearly the opposition has more votes. There are no other strong, generally accepted candidates for European leadership in sight. Italy cannot be because it has a weak economy. Spain cannot be, because the economy is weak and the government is barely holding on to the occasional two or three votes. And that’s probably all,” the diplomat said.

He stressed that Ukraine needs to look for ways to cooperate with European countries, no matter who is in power there.

“If the French elected this government, we must be able to talk to this government and be able to convince it that it is hard for us and it is not our fault, and we need to help, because we have a criminal and evil enemy. It is good that Marine Le Pen spoke positively about Ukraine in general and its Armed Forces. Let’s see how this will be implemented in practice. But again, the majority of the French will support us. This is important,” Veselovsky said.

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