South Korea reacts to North Korea’s pact with Russia

South Korean flag. Photo:

South Korea is going to re-evaluate its stance on supplying lethal arms to Ukraine in response to North Korea strengthening its cooperation with Russia., particularly signing a defence pact in Pyongyang on June 19.

It was reported by Yonhap News Agency, citing National Security Advisor Chang Ho-jin.

“Specific measures will be revealed later, and it will be interesting to see how Russia responds, rather than revealing our plans in advance,” the South Korean official added.

In addition, South Korea intends to establish more sanctions on entitites handling the transfer of weapons and oil between Russia and North Korea.

In general, South Korea is seriously concerned over the new level of relations between the two dictator states and the influence it may have on South Korea and is determined to investigate any contributions to DPRK’s military machine as it violates UN Security Council resolutions.

“The government expresses grave concern and condemns the signing of the comprehensive strategic partnership agreement between North Korea and Russia, which aims to strengthen mutual military and economic cooperation,” Chang added.

Previously, Kim Jong-Un expressed his ‘full support’ for Russia’s war efforts in Ukraine.

Read also: Putin and Kim sign defence pact in Pyongyang