In 2024, one of the key tasks will be to direct Russian assets frozen in the West to Ukraine’s recovery, – Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal

Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal. Photo:

Recent attacks by Russian terrorists have left hundreds of Ukrainians homeless. The Government will make every effort to ensure that those affected are able to repair their homes and, if necessary, buy new ones. This was emphasised by Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal at a Government session on 3 January.

“We have effective tools for this. In particular, the eVidnovlennia programme. Last year, the state paid UAH 2.2 billion to citizens for housing repairs. Now it is possible to use housing certificates to buy a property. This is an option for people whose homes have been completely destroyed,” said Denys Shmyhal, adding that this year Ukrainians will also be able to receive funds for repairs they have already carried out.

The Prime Minister stressed that Russia must pay for everything, including compensation for the damage caused to Ukraine. Therefore, one of the key tasks in 2024 will be to direct Russian assets frozen in the West to Ukraine’s recovery.

“The United States, the European Union and other countries are close to solving this problem. There are already precedents for legislative changes that provide mechanisms for the transfer of funds. It is now important to bring this into a single, clear system involving the EU and G7 countries,” said Denys Shmyhal.

According to the Prime Minister, the Government is constantly working on this issue together with Ukrainian diplomats, and positive results are expected this year.

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