With its formula for peace, Ukraine offers global stability and new rules of the game, – political scientist

Igor Popov. Photo: uatv.ua

With its peace formula, Kyiv offers not just a truce or a stable peace in Ukraine, but initiates global negotiations on stability throughout the world. So that after the war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, a similar one does not arise at any other point. This opinion was voiced on the air of the FREEDOM TV channel by the expert of the Ukrainian Institute for the Future Igor Popov.

“Ukraine offers not just a temporary truce, and not even just a stable peace. Ukraine offers all the same global negotiations, realizing that even peace in Ukraine cannot be limited. Today, in fact, the whole world is entering the stage of the Third World War, and therefore we are talking about global stability, about new rules of the game. And part of this, of course, will be the achievement of certain agreements between Russia and the West, so that the Russian Federation also understands that the ultimatums that it put forward, say, in 2021, do not comply not just with international law, but even with the current order of things,” — said the political scientist.

Many lessons have already been learned from the current war waged by Russia against Ukraine, Popov believes.

“Everyone already sees that both the United Nations and the OSCE need to be transformed. That is, the structures that were created after the Second World War. It turned out that they, too, were not ready for these challenges. And in those proposals that are being developed within the framework of the Kiev peace formula, it is about global architecture, that after the war in Ukraine, the same war does not arise at any other point, ”summed up the guest on the air.

He also drew attention to the fact that the position of some countries regarding the war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine is changing.

“Our allies are those who give us weapons, money. These are the countries for which the war in Ukraine is their war too, they understand this. And therefore, together with us, they repel Russian aggression and save the world from a global war. But those countries that communicate with us and conduct a dialogue do not agree on something, but, nevertheless, listen to our proposals, their position is also changing. And this can be seen from the results of voting at the UN General Assembly. Periodically, more and more countries support our draft resolutions. These are our partners. And some countries are moving from partners to allies,” the political scientist added.

As previously reported, the peace formula of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will be discussed in Saudi Arabia on August 5-6. The meeting of advisers to the leaders of influential states in Jeddah will be held without the participation of Russia.

Read also: Peace formula: meeting on Ukraine starting in Saudi Arabia