Shoigu showed the system of tanks – the Russian army loses such a number in a week on average, – an analyst about the limit of the capabilities of the Russian military-industrial complex

The Russian military-industrial complex (MIC) is not capable of producing so much modern equipment to cover all the losses of the Russian army in Ukraine. Most likely, now it is already working with maximum efficiency. Military analyst Yan Matveev shared this opinion live on the FREEDOM TV channel.

“The Russian army is waging a full-scale war, losing a lot of equipment every day, every week. Initially, the entire Russian armored military-industrial complex and all its other parts were designed to gradually replace old equipment with new ones. Even after more than a year of war, the Russian military-industrial complex has not rebuilt itself for more mass production. Yes, they work, as they themselves say, in three shifts, and with large overtime, and load all possible capacities. But all the same, no new factories have been built, no workshops are being opened in large numbers, ”the guest of the broadcast comments, adding that Western sanctions certainly negatively affect the capabilities of the Russian military-industrial complex.

In this regard, Russia has no choice but to try to saturate the army by removing old equipment from conservation, for example, T-62 tanks. As Matveev explains, in order to bring them into proper form, the Russian Federation has details and critical elements that, obviously, are not available for the production of more modern weapons. The same applies to artillery, which is why old howitzers are being transferred to the front.

“Recently there was a post of one of the [Russian] factories for the production of BMP-3. They say that they produce about a hundred BMP-3s per quarter: it turns out 30-35 units per month. It seemed like a significant amount. On the other hand, we know that under 3 thousand already various BMPs and BMDs were lost. These are only the losses confirmed by photographs and video. Yes, 400 vehicles a year will somehow strengthen the Russian army, but this is not enough at all. Plus, in a year, until these machines are produced, the Russian army will still lose them, ”the analyst explains.

Matveev also commented on the video that appeared the day before, where Russian Defense Minister Shoigu demonstrates the formation of T-90 tanks.

“There are about 14-15 of them, about as many, maybe a little less tanks, the Russian army loses on average in a week. That is, this is a completely insignificant amount, ”the analyst compared.

According to Yan Matveev, the Russian military-industrial complex is already working with the maximum possible efficiency, and these opportunities are not enough for the Russian army.

Read also: Hunting for cannon fodder: Russia increases number of the armed forces (VIDEO)