Europe, as predicted by the Kremlin, did not freeze this winter. Russia, on the other hand, is losing the energy war, which it declared to the whole world. This was announced today, March 30, by the former Minister of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine, Ivan Plachkov, on the air of the FREEDOM TV channel.
“Russia started the First World Energy War, and it lost it, you can’t win the whole world. We fully expect that the world will not submit to Russian energy blackmail, and the imposed sanctions on both oil and gas, and the absolute price ceiling on oil are working,” he said.
The expert noted that more and more states and companies refuse to buy Russian oil, which is a colossal blow to the Russian budget.
“Because in some periods there were receipts of up to 50%, and the budget was formed at the expense of energy resources. Naturally, this affects the economy, naturally, this affects the standard of living,” he noted.
Plachkov emphasized that the Russian oil and gas sector today has a colossal deficit of funds: they are not even enough for its maintenance.
“Not to mention the repair, reconstruction, development of new deposits and even existing ones, so we have to conserve and close them. This is a very expensive story, since it is not always possible to unconserve the preserved deposits. Therefore, Russia has definitely lost the energy war, which it itself declared,” Ivan Plachkov summed up.