Poor operation of Russia`s air defense system indicates the incompetence of the Russian command – expert’s opinion

The air defense system (AD) of Russia does not work well, because it cannot guarantee the protection of the airspace from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). This testifies to the incompetence of the Russian command. This was announced on the air of the FREEDOM TV channel by military-political expert Yuriy Fedorov.

“This indicates, first of all, the bad work of the Russian air defense. Because one of the tasks of protecting the airspace is to ensure that no unidentified flying object appears there, it must be shot down or landed immediately after it appears, ”he said.

According to the expert, it is possible that Russian radar detection systems do not work well with objects that fly at low altitudes.

“When an aircraft is moving at low altitude, radar stations see it very poorly and only at the last moment when it approaches. If it was not detected, it means that the flying object moves along a complex trajectory and quite successfully bypasses the zones where it can be detected by radars, ”he explained.

Fedorov also suggested that those who launch the aircraft know the coordinates of Russian radar stations. But even if the Russians discovered them, it takes a lot of time from reaction to action, which indicates the incompetence of the commanders of the air defense units of the Russian Federation.

“It is necessary to transfer information to the center, from the center comes an order to the airfield to raise fighters: shoot down or land. Or push anti-aircraft missile systems in the direction of this flying object and launch missiles. All this takes time, but the flying object took off and flew off somewhere. It turns out that air defense is not working well in Russia, but so far no one from the commanders has suffered from this. In a good way, the commander should be removed and put on trial for such failures, because his subordinates are not able to ensure the country’s security, ”Yuriy Fedorov emphasized.

Earlier, only in the last week, explosions occurred at military airfields in Yeysk (Krasnodar Territory of the Russian Federation) and in the Belarusian Machulishchi. In both cases, military aircraft were damaged, there were wounded and dead. In addition, an unidentified UAV crashed near Moscow, and the air defense of St. Petersburg was alerted as a result of the appearance of another “unidentified UAV” over the city.

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