Ukraine introduces chemical and radiation alert sirens amid Russia’s nuclear threats

Local governments across Ukraine are introducing a set of new alert sirens due to repeated threats from Russia of nuclear or chemical attack, the Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD), a Ukrainian government agency, posted on Telegram.

The new alert sirens are to warn citizens of potential incoming chemical and radiation hazards, as well as a signal to evacuate the area.

The three new signals are as follows:

Chemical hazard alert: church bells;
Radiation hazard alert: slow-ringing large bell;
City-wide evacuation alert: steam train whistle.

CCD and Ukraine’s Interior Ministry are urging people to heed air raid sirens, especially during the coming week, as Russia is expected to escalate a civilian terror campaign ahead of the Ukrainian Independence Day on Aug. 24.

Nuclear energy expert and former employee at the State Nuclear Regulatory Authority of Ukraine Olga Kosharna told that Putin may be trying to leverage the tense situation at Zapporzhia nuclear power plant to force Ukraine’s surrender or to turn NATO away from the conflict.

The comments come as unconfirmed videos appeared to show Russian military vehicles inside Zapporzhzhia. Reports claimed that the vehicles were filled with explosives.

Moscow likely feels the pressure even more now that Ukraine is striking inside of the annexed Crimean peninsula, however Putin thinks that his regime would not survive if he loses the war in Ukraine, according to Kosharna.

Kosharna said: “Basically, what is happening is an attempt to force Ukraine into negotiations or surrender because they’re clearly losing the war.