Reznikov spoke about his goals as head of the Defense Ministry


Oleksiy Reznikov, who became the new Minister of Defense of Ukraine today, spoke about his goals in his new position, as well as about what the president expects from him. In particular, it is about the fight against corruption.

This was reported by UA.

He noted that during the last meeting with the President and talks on the appointment of the Minister of Defense, Volodymyr Zelenskyy identified a clear list of priorities.

“All of them, in fact, concerned my skills and legal experience. Bring order to procurement, with fair equity of military personnel. A lawyer can handle this. Deal with the corruption that prevails there, in the same procurement. A lawyer can also handle this. Complete the conclusion of a contract with the United Kingdom, complete the framework cooperation agreement with the United States of America, which was signed during the visit of the President of Ukraine” – Reznikov said.

As for the first steps in office, it is, first of all, an analysis of all court cases that exist today in the Ministry of Defense or where representatives of the Armed Forces are participants in court proceedings, property audits, etc.

“An audit of the property owned by the Ministry of Defense will be conducted to see how effectively it is used in the interests of the Armed Forces. We heard questions from deputies about warehouses, unfinished housing and many others” – Reznikov specified.

The next direction is personnel issues.

“I will meet with every deputy minister, with every leader who reports to the Ministry of Defense. Valeriy Zaluzhny and I (Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, ed.) are organizing cooperation with the General Staff and the Ministry of Defense. And, so to say, existing “competition” will be abolished. It will be co-working, interaction and full cooperation. The Armed Forces protect and defend us, and my task is to protect them: in matters of diplomatic, legal, etc.” – the minister said.

Reznikov also stressed that communication with all partners of Ukraine and friendly countries will be developed.

To remind, on November 3, the Verkhovna Rada dismissed Deputy Prime Minister – Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories Oleksiy Reznikov.

At the same day the President sent a motion to the Verkhovna Rada to appoint Reznikov as the new Minister of Defense.