New Ukrainian Self-Propelled Artillery Unit Revealed

Photo from Sergii Zgurets’ Facebook page

Sergii Zgurets, CEO of Defense Express, revealed the first image of Bohdana, the new Ukrainian, 155 millimeter self-propelled artillery unit, on Facebook.

More images were posted by Yurii Biriukov, adviser to the Minister of Defense.

Bohdana will be demostrated at the military parade on Aug. 24, Ukraine’s Independence Day.

Photo from Yurii Biriukov’s Facebook page

Bohdana is a new SUV manufactured by the Kremenchug Automobile Plant. It is an open-air artillery system.

It has a dual computerized fire control system and an automatic charging system. Charging, guidance and firing can be performed both from the cabin and from the outside.  The second control point is installed at the rear of the cabin.

Conceptually, Bohdana is similar to foreign analogues such as the French system CAESAR or the Swedish Archer Artillery System. However, the project of installing a large-scale artillery system based on the KrAZ–6322 vehicle was developed in Ukraine.

The entire vehicle is also manufactured in Ukraine and has all components of domestic production, from the chassis to the trunk.

Its explosive shells have a shooting range of not less than 40 kilometers, and it can fire four to five shots per minute.

Also read: New 152 millimeter large caliber shells for the artillery system Giatsint successfully passed one of the stages of testing at the end of July.