Ukraine will Build a Network of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Photo from Ukrinform – UATV

This year, Ukraine will start creating a network of superchargers – with a power capacity from 50 to 150 kilowatts.

Ukrainian Minister of Infrastructure Volodymyr Omelyan made the announcement on Channel 5.

“This year, a private company launches the creation of superchargers, which are the electric vehicle power stations with a power capacity of 50 kilowatts. Along with one other state-owned company this year we want to start the creation of more powerful electric vehicle charging stations with a power capacity of 100-150 kilowatts per charge. The construction of these much powerful stations is planned to be finished by the end of next year. These innovations in the electric vehicles charging system would make the traveling for Ukrainians much safer and calm. For example, on the route, Kyiv – Odessa, people would know that after they will drive 100-150 kilometers, they will reach the electric vehicle charging system in time. This will decrease the psychological pressure on electric car drivers because nowadays, electric car owners every time want to stay at the socket,” Omelyan said.