Sweden will begin deploying its troops to NATO joint forces starting in 2025

Illustrative photo: focus.ua

The Swedish government has revealed its plans for participation in NATO’s collective defense and joint operations.

As reported by Aftonbladet, this announcement was made by relevant ministers on October 7. Starting in 2025, Swedish military forces will join NATO’s joint forces on land, at sea, and in the air. The government has completed work on the relevant bill and is submitting it to the Riksdag.

“This is a historic decision. For the first time, we will be involved in NATO’s collective defense as an ally. Our geographical location and capabilities to support our allies play a key role for the Alliance in this part of Europe,” said Foreign Minister Maria Malmer Stenergard.

Among other things, around 600 Swedish contract soldiers (slightly less than a standard battalion size) will be deployed to Latvia at the beginning of 2025. They will be equipped with armored vehicles and grenade launchers and will become part of a multinational brigade led by Canada.

Swedish ships will be involved in NATO’s observation and demining activities in the North and Baltic Seas for about six months starting next year.

Regarding the air component, Sweden will send up to eight of its Gripen fighters to patrol alongside NATO forces.

In a hypothetical scenario of armed aggression against a NATO country, these forces could be deployed according to NATO’s operational plans. In this case, Sweden could quickly increase its contingent in Latvia to 1,200 personnel, its air component to 24 Gripen fighters, and the number of ships involved within NATO forces to six, without needing parliamentary approval.

“This will allow us to act swiftly in the event of a rapid deterioration of the situation,” noted Defense Minister Paul Jonson.

Additionally, Sweden is prepared to take command of NATO’s forward land forces that will be stationed in Finland; these units will be responsible for peacetime operations.

It is also worth mentioning that the new Chief of the Swedish Armed Forces, who took office on October 1, has warned that the current security situation in Europe is more dangerous than during the Cold War.

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