The President of Finland called for the lifting of restrictions on Ukraine’s strikes on the Russian Federation

Alexander Stubb. Photo:

Finnish President Alexander Stubb believes that Western nations, including the United States, should lift restrictions on long-range strikes on Russian territory.

In an interview with The New York Times, Stubb urged allies in the global West to “allow Ukraine to fight without having its hands tied behind its back” and to remove limitations on long-range attacks.

“We need to continue supporting Ukraine with finances, ammunition, vehicles, and also allow Ukraine to use its weapons as it sees fit, as long as it is in self-defense and within international rules,” he added.

Stubb emphasized that Russia is an imperial state with expansionism “embedded in its DNA.”

“We need to convince Putin that continuing this war is pointless. I believe Putin must lose both the war and the peace, because the only thing he understands is strength. The key is to allow Ukraine to wage this war without restrictions, and everything that follows is secondary,” Stubb stated.

He also noted that giving Ukraine greater freedom in its military operations would expedite peace negotiations.

Previously, Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen also called on Ukraine’s allies to stop hesitating about providing support and to allow the use of supplied weapons for strikes on Russia.

According to The Times, the U.S. and U.K. are reportedly preparing to permit Ukraine to use Storm Shadow missiles for strikes on Russian territory, though this decision might not be publicly announced to maintain an element of surprise for Russia.

Read also: UN General Assembly – Ukrainian Expectations Explained. Interview with Yevheniia Kravchuk